Production facilities

Atlas Premium specializes in arctic whitefish, namely Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). After completing a major investment program in early 2020 the processing plant in Olaine, Latvia has one of the largest production capacities in Europe. Atlas Premium is the leading processor for U.S. retailers and one of the largest processors of Norwegian Cod in Europe.


 Our facility operates the latest processing technology in the world. We are fully equipped with machinery from Marel, Skaginn 3x, Velfag and Baader. Our ambitious investment program for 2019 builds on the important steps we have taken in the past 3 years to become one of the leading white fish processors in the world.

Our state of the art machinery includes Marel FleXiTrim, Marel FleXiSort, Marel FleXiCut (2), Vélfag filleting machine, Baader filleting machines (3), Skaginn IQF, tunnel freezers and horizontal freezers.

Subsequently we operate the latest equipment for packing in vacuum, trays, skin pack, flow pack as well as MAP. Our machinery can handle fish from 1 to 10 kg as H/G weight of raw material. The products can be glazed according to customer needs.


Due to Latvia’s strategic geographical location we are able to deliver finished high-quality product to our customers within 72 hours.


Our products with this mark come from fisheries that have been independently certified to the Marine Stewardship Council’s standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery. (certificate number: MSC-C-55035).

The factory has passed the International Food Standard (IFS) certification with the highest score (approval number: LV 17/0015), and the Social Audit Certification by Intertek with the highest score.

The company works according to the HACCP quality system.